remote agile teams using slack to communicate

Remote Agile Teams Management – Success Story

by Hristina Efinska Two weeks ago we decided to address an ongoing issue in the IT community. The issue is with the remote agile teams. Many experts on the subject would say that the term “remote agile teams” is a bit contradictory, as the Agile Methodology was created for teams that share the same physical space. Therefore, can we make…

Online conference with the remote agile teams

Remote Work and Agile Teams are Here to Stay

by Hristina Efinska As we are walking in the last quarter of the notorious 2020, we can state one thing for sure: Remote work and distributed teams are here to stay. However, companies can be skeptical about moving their agile processes online when it comes to working remotely. At first glance, why wouldn’t they be? Especially having in mind that…

Girl working from home on a laptop

Work from Home in the Time of Coronavirus

Work from home has been trending over the years, but with the pandemic situation of Coronavirus throughout the world, remote work has been considered not only as a trend but as a prevention measure as well. Nowadays, as the Coronavirus is spreading with the speed of light throughout the world, companies have started considering this option to let their employees…

Working remotely

The Pros and Cons of Remote Working

The opportunity to work remotely is becoming more and more present in companies that do not need their workers to be present at their office desks in order to complete their tasks. Some companies, of course, are not able to give permission for working remotely, due to their need for workers being physically present at their job posts. However, employees…

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