Project management board

Project Management as a Crucial Aspect of Programming

by Viktorija Krsteska The stronger the team, the stronger the business, and it all starts with effective project management. Programmers are notoriously difficult to seek out, screen, and onboard. They are artists; they are ambitious. Regardless of whether you have got a small team of programmers or a rapidly-expanding one, it is very likely that you will encounter situations that…

Advantages of Using the Python Programming Language in the New Decade

Python is an interpreted programming language that marked a significant rise in the past decade. Web developers who choose Python as their programming language are enabled to integrate their systems more effectively and work at a faster speed. Moreover, when programmers utilize Python, they opt for an increase in the usersā€™ productivity and a decrease in their maintenance costs. Programmers…

programmer and personality traits

Five Personality Traits for Novice Web Developers

Possessing the needed personality traits is a mandatory action when trying to begin a new profession, regardless of whether it is in the IT industry or in another type of corporation. To become web developers, people need to first ensure that they have at least five basic personality traits that will help them adjust to the new profession. Being a…

Software Developers

How Software Developers Break Their Daily Work Routine?

Not all working days are the same for software developers. However, developers spend most of their time seated in front of a computer, coding all day (and night) and trying to meet predetermined deadlines. In almost all situations, web developers seem to behave as machines who only care about the task they need to complete for the day, and many of them believe that they can function solely on coffee. Thus, they do not pay enough attention to their health and are leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

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