5 Best Online PHP Courses and Tutorials to Learn PHP in 2022

PHP is an open-source back-end scripting language used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages and applications. It is one of the oldest and most widely-used programming languages for web development, with around 80% of all websites running on PHP, including major platforms like Facebook, WordPress, Upwork, and Spotify. Though highly technical in nature, with a bit of online guidance and dedication,…

From Beginner to Pro: What it is like to be QA Engineer in Cosmic Development

Although some software companies take QA lightly and don’t have QA engineers in their development team, Cosmic Development is quite the opposite. We recognize the true value of quality assurance and believe that building high-quality, stable, and safe products for our clients requires a competent QA engineer.Ā For that reason, today, we spotlight our talented Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer, Kosta Terziski, and discuss the details of his journey, day-to-day tasks, and advice he would offer to aspiring QA professionals.Ā 

Talk with HR: Sneak Peek at Our Human Resources Department

The Human Resources department plays a pivotal role in a company’s overall growth strategy and is an integral part of any modern-day organization. In the last years, the responsibilities of the HR department and HR managers have grown considerably, and now a professional HR department encompasses many roles and activities. Being an HR professional requires commitment and dedication. After all,…

Employee Success Stories at Cosmic Development

by Angela Joveska What started as a concept turned into multiplied success stories! When Cosmic Development was founded back in 2011, it was based on the principle of helping businesses of various sizes grow. All by providing the best tech talent solutions tailored to every clientā€™s needs and budget. But thatā€™s the one side of the story. The other and…

Employee Spotlight: Open Talk with Bojan, Senior Front-End Developer

At Cosmic Development, our employees are at the core of everything we do. We believe that the people-first approach is the foundation of a client-centric organization. We foster a culture of trust, confidence, and commitment and take the responsibility of creating the conditions that allow our employees to thrive. Our ā€œEmployee Spotlightā€ series highlights our talented employees who bring ideas…

Online conference with the remote agile teams

Remote Work and Agile Teams are Here to Stay

by Hristina Efinska As we are walking in the last quarter of the notorious 2020, we can state one thing for sure: Remote work and distributed teams are here to stay. However, companies can be skeptical about moving their agile processes online when it comes to working remotely. At first glance, why wouldn’t they be? Especially having in mind that…

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  • We Build Winning Teams for Brands
  • Dedicated Employees, Top-Notch Teams, Unmatched Assets.

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