The team behind the rumble video platform

Why Many Choose Rumble Over YouTube

by Viktorija Nikoloska Rumble has established itself as an online resort for over 350,000 independent content creators that upload videos to their site. It allows them to exchange their video content with publishers, thus creating a specific marketplace that connects producers with distributors who publish the content on other video platforms simultaneously. Especially now, when some content creators find YouTube…

Svetozar Petrovic working as video editor

Why Video Editing is Necessary

by Viktorija Nikoloska Videos, video editing programs, video editing apps, video marketing tools… Videos are everywhere we look around us. We live in an era when people prefer video content much more over the old-fashioned written content. Watching videos is far more interesting and funnier than reading long articles. People’s average attention span is 8 seconds, which means that you…

Camera and laptop for creating videos

Increasing Sales with Video Marketing Tools

by Monika Rizovska If you want to grow your online business, you need to utilize video marketing for your products and services. Videos are playing essential roles in the world of digital marketing these days. A compelling way to promote your content is through video marketing. People love to watch and see rather than to hear. With videos, you will…

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