Newest Web Development Trends for 2020

The web development trends are subject to constant change as time passes by. With the end of 2019 and the end of a whole decade, the technologies that were trending in web development begin to differ from those that are about to take over. If you are already familiar with web development practices, then you probably know that companies constantly…

Is “Machines vs. Humans” the Real Battle of the Future?

The battle of machines vs. humans is a topic that is present in every aspect of our lives. As technology improves, machines and robots are becoming smarter and smarter, and more used on a day-to-day basis. What we thought might happen in the future is actually happening right now, and it is developing at a super-fast pace. According to experts, artificial intelligence (AI) is the next big thing that will improve people’s lives. But will it? If yes, what will happen to our own, human intelligence?

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