Is “Machines vs. Humans” the Real Battle of the Future?

The battle of machines vs. humans is a topic that is present in every aspect of our lives. As technology improves, machines and robots are becoming smarter and smarter, and more used on a day-to-day basis. What we thought might happen in the future is actually happening right now, and it is developing at a super-fast pace. According to experts, artificial intelligence (AI) is the next big thing that will improve people’s lives. But will it? If yes, what will happen to our own, human intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 

In order to understand the very term Artificial Intelligence, we tried to find the best definition. However, there is not an officially accepted definition that explains its purpose. The phrase artificial intelligence (AI) refers to machine learning and to the procedure that enables computers to discover real-life patterns and to imitate the function of the human brain. 

The AI may be interpreted as a machine learning system that has become smart with hard training. The most appropriate artificial intelligence examples are:

  • Strategic games, such as chess, tic tac toe, where the machine makes decisions found on possible steps that are based on inquiring knowledge.
  • Communication with computers, where the machine understands the human language.
  • Expert systems and applications giving clarification to the users, where machines are incorporated with programming and other data.
  • Vision systems, such as spying planes or drones, where the machine understands and interprets the visual input.
  • Speech recognition systems, where the machine understands the human language (slang, accent, noise).
  • Handwriting recognition systems, where the machine reads a written text and converts different letter shapes into an editable text. 
  • Intelligent robots that have various sensors detecting physical data that only a human being may experience. 

Note that this definition changes with time just like the artificial intelligence evolves and what today is known as AI may not be the same in 10-years time, for instance. There are many differences between artificial intelligence and the human brain, which will be discussed below.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

According to experts, the artificial intelligence will undoubtedly improve people’s lives in the future. However, some of those experts are also concerned that the rapid development of AI might affect the productivity of human intelligence and the people’s expression of their free personal choices. 

  • Speed of execution
  • Less biased
  • Ability to operate without a pause
  • Accuracy and preciseness
  • Dominance in certain areas

However, some issues still point out human intelligence over the AI. Five most important aspects in which the machine differs from the human being are:

  • Energy efficiency – AI uses less energy than people’s brain;
  • Universal – AI is designed only for a few tasks, while people learn different skills throughout their entire lifespan;
  • Multitasking – people are able to multitask, but machines need more time to learn every responsibility;
  • Decision making – people learn how to make decisions in life, while machines can hardly compete with a six-year-old child;
  • Analog vs. digital – people’s brains are analog, machines are digital.

According to this analysis, we can see that although people work hard on developing Artificial Intelligence (AI), the human brain is still superior in many aspects. 

People use a combination of several cognitive processes, while machines are programmed to imitate human behavior. While the AI has a significant advantage over human intelligence, some experts believe that computers will never be fully able to replace people and the irreplaceable human resource. 

If you feel the same, check out the software development services we offer and you will see that without the help of our employees’ brains, the machine cannot operate on itself. It is left to the future to show us whether “machines vs. humans” is the battle that will mark this century.


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