adaptability skills in the team

How to Train Your Adaptability Skills and Create New Opportunities

by Biljana Ognenova Adaptability is the capacity to react appropriately to changing circumstances. If you have adaptability skills, you can modify your attitude or adjust your behavior to different situations and different people.  Adaptability Skills and Adaptability as a Trait If you include adaptability as a soft skill on our resume, you show that you can embrace innovation, quickly respond…

remote agile teams using slack to communicate

Remote Agile Teams Management – Success Story

by Hristina Efinska Two weeks ago we decided to address an ongoing issue in the IT community. The issue is with the remote agile teams. Many experts on the subject would say that the term “remote agile teams” is a bit contradictory, as the Agile Methodology was created for teams that share the same physical space. Therefore, can we make…

The team behind the rumble video platform

Why Many Choose Rumble Over YouTube

by Viktorija Nikoloska Rumble has established itself as an online resort for over 350,000 independent content creators that upload videos to their site. It allows them to exchange their video content with publishers, thus creating a specific marketplace that connects producers with distributors who publish the content on other video platforms simultaneously. Especially now, when some content creators find YouTube…

Online conference with the remote agile teams

Remote Work and Agile Teams are Here to Stay

by Hristina Efinska As we are walking in the last quarter of the notorious 2020, we can state one thing for sure: Remote work and distributed teams are here to stay. However, companies can be skeptical about moving their agile processes online when it comes to working remotely. At first glance, why wouldn’t they be? Especially having in mind that…

Project management board

Project Management as a Crucial Aspect of Programming

by Viktorija Krsteska The stronger the team, the stronger the business, and it all starts with effective project management. Programmers are notoriously difficult to seek out, screen, and onboard. They are artists; they are ambitious. Regardless of whether you have got a small team of programmers or a rapidly-expanding one, it is very likely that you will encounter situations that…

woman working on laptop

How to Manage a Social Media Marketing Team

by Viktorija Nikoloska Social media marketing (SMM) is the basic element for achieving success in the digital world of marketing and for attaining business growth through the usage of various platforms. Companies that want to increase their brand awareness online must begin by creating an SMM strategy, according to their industry. For that reason, we decided to interview our colleague…

meeting about building a business

Building a Business with a Website Expert

by Monika Rizovska While remote work is the new trend of work of the future, building a business with website expertise is the right thing to do. There are several services and positions that might help you discover or carve out your next career, start building a business, and do global tech for good within the new marketplace needs. To…

Svetozar Petrovic working as video editor

Why Video Editing is Necessary

by Viktorija Nikoloska Videos, video editing programs, video editing apps, video marketing tools… Videos are everywhere we look around us. We live in an era when people prefer video content much more over the old-fashioned written content. Watching videos is far more interesting and funnier than reading long articles. People’s average attention span is 8 seconds, which means that you…

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