The Hidden Costs of Outsourcing & How to Avoid Them

In business expansion and operational efficiency, outsourcing is often embraced as a strategic method to fulfill diverse objectives, ranging from cost reduction to accessing specialized skills and improving focus on core business activities. This approach involves contracting external organizations to handle certain business functions or projects, effectively extending the enterprise’s capabilities without requiring extensive in-house resources. However, like any significant…

Navigating Remote Talent Solutions: Choosing Between Dedicated Teams and Traditional Outsourcing

Scaling Is Easy If Done the Right Way In the ever-evolving business landscape, scaling operations efficiently can be a game-changer. It’s about growing your team and capabilities without compromising on quality or control. This is where the choice between dedicated teams and outsourcing comes into play. A dedicated team, often referred to as outstaffing, involves partnering with a third party…

Atanas Arizanov

The Challenges of a Tech Coordinator

If you are wondering how challenging it is to be a tech coordinator at a fast-growing IT support services company such as Cosmic Development, it is time to get to know Atanas Arizanov and learn more about his scope of work, expertise and the way he overcomes the challenges he faces on a daily basis.  Atanas is a software engineer,…

CRM Close

CRM: Why I Love Using

The primary purpose of a CRM system is to help Business or Sale departments be more efficient in daily communication with clients and potential leads. It also serves as an essential tool for record tracking, and when data are used correctly, it plays a crucial role in scaling up the business. Emilija Nikoloska, our Senior Business Consultant, has chosen Close.Com, and here is why.

Content Creators Collaboration

First-Hand Reasons Why Outsourcing Content Creators Is the Right Way to Go

How many times have you heard the phrase “content is king”? Too many times, I’m sure, if you are one of the content creators in the digital marketing world or any other Internet-related industry. That dazzling, almost prophetic statement originates from a 1996 essay by Bill Gates, the founder and former CEO of Microsoft. Slightly over two decades later, we are practically living that reality. That was one of the key reasons why we decided to contact Joshua Mendelssohn, the co-founder of, and asked him to shares his insights on online publishing, the content creation process, and what IT services provider such as Cosmic Development has to do with it.

Software Developers

How Software Developers Break Their Daily Work Routine?

Not all working days are the same for software developers. However, developers spend most of their time seated in front of a computer, coding all day (and night) and trying to meet predetermined deadlines. In almost all situations, web developers seem to behave as machines who only care about the task they need to complete for the day, and many of them believe that they can function solely on coffee. Thus, they do not pay enough attention to their health and are leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

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